One of my 2022 goals is to subscribe to more newsletters and journals of authors I read on a daily basis/support online journalism. Instagram is a great resource but I literally feel my brain "popping" all over the place as I consume more and more information. I had never heard the term popcorn brain, but it's such an accurate description. After the doom scrolling of early pandemic life, I decided I had to keep my phone in the living room to charge instead of having it by my bed. My 2 and 5 yo kids come snuggle in bed with us when they get up in the morning, and I always try to have at least 30 minutes before I look at my phone. Having a lot of physical books around has helped curb the habit of scrolling, and I have noticed my kids are far more happy playing independently when they can "see" what we are reading instead of seeing us on our phones. My husband is 5.5 years older and I've noticed he reads articles on the computer far more than his phone and he doesn't use Insta, and I wonder if that makes his brain healthier.

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I can definitely relate to popcorn brain! I have deleted my social media this month because the price I was paying (in time, focus, attention, mood, general angst) was far too high. There are people I miss seeing every day, but hoping to replace those online "connections" with more meaningful IRL ones.

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